
Les 10ème journées scientifiques du LabEx CHARMMMAT auront lieu les jeudi 1 et vendredi 2 décembre 2022, à l'Amphithéâtre de l'I2BC (Bâtiment 21) du campus CNRS de Gif sur Yvette.

Ces journées marqueront la clôture du LabEx et comprendront des conférenciers internationnaux et locaux invités par chaque axe thématique ainsi qu'une séance poster ouverte à tous.




Conférenciers invités:

"S,O-Ligand-promoted Pd-catalyzed C−H Functionalization Reactions"

"Catalytic Enantioselective [2,3]- and [1,2]-rearrangements of allylic ammonium ylides and ethers"

"ALD Growth of ultrathin films and mechanistic insight by surface organometallic chemistry"

"Synergetic Approaches for Highly Sensitive Photoreactive Systems"

"Synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles by organometallic approach: from molecule to devices"

"Fine and complex organic-inorganic layers in old paintings revealed by TOF-SIMS mass spectrometry imaging"

"Equilibrium and metastable behaviour of multi-metallic supported nanoparticles investigated by X-ray Scattering"


Conférenciers CHARMMMAT:

"An electrochemical approach towards the synthesis of fluorine-containing compounds"

"Copper Catalysis-Enabled Enantioselective Cycloadditions"

"Electro-Assisted Oxidation of Thioanisole by an “O2 Activator/Oxidizing Species” Tandem System of Non-Heme Iron Complexes"

"Mesoporous Metal-Organic Frameworks for the encapsulation of Microperoxidase-8 and other bio-entities"

"Multidimensional Photoluminescence Analysis for Photovoltaic Materials and Devices"

"Integrating smart sensors and materials into bio-inspired hardware"

"Developments in algorithmic graph theory, supervised learning and game theory for theoretical chemistry"

"Luminescent Organic Nanoparticles as tools for biological or health issues"

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